HARTMANN supports humedica e.V. in its aid work

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When it comes to humanitarian aid, every contribution counts. No organization understands that better than humedica e.V.– they bring emergency relief and long-term aid to regions all over the world. Partnerships with companies like HARTMANN who provide stability and support through donations make a huge impact. We spoke to Carina Freudig, responsible for company donations at humedica, to learn how such a cooperation works.

humedica's mission

Since 1979, humedica aims to provide rapid-response emergency care in times of crisis as well as sustained aid to underserved regions. From any of their on-site locations in the world, humedica works closely with a network of approved partners in each region to ensure the most-effective aid lands in the hands of those who truly need it.

Outreach comes in many forms. For example, mobile units reach areas with little access to healthcare. Ms Freudig says, “They are essentially medical units on wheels combining pharmacy, doctor and medical lab all in one.” humedica also delivers aid directly at senior care homes, orphanages, and family welfare organizations, or hospitals. Aid can be clothes, medical care supplies, nutrition, medicine, as well as counselling and education. Much of the activities rely on volunteers, all of whom undergo training before being sent out into the field.

Of course, humedica also relies on organizations who donate money and supplies. Freudig adds, “People often ask which is better, but it really just depends on the situation. Sometimes we need funds to purchase supplies on location. Other times large donations of products hugely simplify planning and execution of delivering aid.”

Carina Freudig is responsible for communication and fundraising at humedica.

A lifeline of cooperation

HARTMANN has supported humedica for years. Freudig emphasizes the closeness of this working relationship, “We value our cooperation with HARTMANN greatly. It means a lot that we know we can rely on them.” humedica usually sends a list of items required. HARTMANN checks what products are available and in what quantities and puts together palettes of donations – usually a mix of incontinence products, dressings, and OP products. Freudig adds, “I always know that HARTMANN will get back to us.”

Where HARTMANN has helped

Recent projects where HARTMANN has lent a helping hand include the Ukraine as well as the regions in Turkey devasted by the earthquake. In the Ukraine, humedica’s on-site location has overseen deployment of mobile medical units and has also expanded to provide trauma counselling and a program to help people get prostheses. In Turkey, humedica has been able to bring basic medical care supplies to regions that were particularly disadvantaged and hard to reach. Here a mobile clinic is also in operation to help prevent the spread of disease.

A partner through thick and thin

Providing consistent aid to diverse regions requires constant support. Freudig says, “This last year our challenge has been keeping donation levels steady. Companies are feeling the strain of inflation and high energy prices and have to make cuts.” HARTMANN is currently planning its next delivery of supplies and will continue to support humedica through donations. Employees in the past have even organized fundraising drives – and we look forward to seeing how this partnership will inspire us to action in the future.