HARTMANN’s media room

Media services

Find our latest company news and reports as well as relevant downloads and pictures concerning HARTMANN and our solutions.

Company news

News and highlights from HARTMANN.
April 26, 2024

HARTMANN: Positive business development continues in the first quarter of 2024 – Earnings forecast raised for current financial year

Successful product launches and the acquisition of new customers, as well as the focused, continued implementation of the Transformation Program, had a positive impact on HARTMANN's business development in the first quarter of 2024. The Company was once again able to demonstrate its resilience in a difficult market environment with material costs…

Media images

Download images of our products and management as well as general company photos. If you have further questions or need any other images, please contact us.

Our solutions and products

Find images of our solutions and products, among them MoliCare® and MoliCare® Skin, CombiSet® and MediSet®, Zetuvit® Plus Silicone Border, and Sterillium®. For more pictures or information about specific products, please get in touch with our media team.
Downloads for investors
Download our annual and quarterly business reports, our company statutes, and other important materials for investors.