Tratamiento de heridas y Diagnóstico: aplicaciones para entornos profesionales y en los hogares

Soluciones para una cicatrización completa

Desde el primer apósito de algodón fabricado en el siglo XIX hasta la diversa gama de productos de la actualidad, el tratamiento de heridas ha tenido un carácter central para la marca HARTMANN desde sus inicios. Queremos ofrecer soluciones para la cicatrización completa que abarcan desde pequeños cortes hasta heridas postoperatorias. Para lograrlo, mantenemos una actitud curiosa y abierta a las aportaciones de los profesionales sanitarios, que consideramos los mejores aliados para hacer realidad nuestra visión: mejorar las vidas de los pacientes y el personal sanitario en todo el mundo.

Tenemos el objetivo de reducir el tiempo que los profesionales sanitarios dedican a cambiar apósitos y permitirles trabajar de forma más eficiente en general, gracias a nuestra amplia gama de soluciones. Al mismo tiempo, queremos mejorar la calidad de vida de los pacientes desarrollando productos que cuidan la piel, son cómodos y aceleran la cicatrización. En el área del tratamiento de heridas tradicional, HARTMANN es uno de los líderes del mercado europeo; además, HARTMANN es la empresa número 1 en el mercado farmacéutico europeo del tratamiento de heridas.

*Según un análisis interno realizado por PAUL HARTMANN AG usando datos de: IQVIA CH Customized Insights, ventas en LEU PUB, durante el período MAT M09/2022, limitado a la clase CHC 40-49 que refleja estimaciones de la actividad en el mundo real en estos países: Alemania, Austria, Bélgica, Croacia, Eslovaquia, España, Francia, Grecia, Italia, Polonia, Portugal, República Checa, Suiza. © IQVIA. Todos los derechos reservados.

The pillars of our work

HARTMANN is one of the leading providers of wound treatment solutions for patients and healthcare professionals around the world. Quality, reliability, and innovation are part of our DNA and our heritage. Our international research ensures that we keep track of and can respond to future professional needs around the globe. Based on the three principles “proven, simple, cost-effective,” we strive to consistently develop wound care further.

Proven, simple, cost-effective

Our wound care treatments are the result of HARTMANN’s more than 200 years of medical experience. Time and know-how have led to proven wound care solutions, ensuring effective and scientifically verified products.

In medical practice, easy-to-use solutions are critical for successful wound healing. That’s why our expertly designed products are tested to ensure simple handling and usage for professionals as well as for wound care at home.

To make complete wound healing accessible to everyone, we’ve designed a cost-effective range of products with outstanding value to fit all financial circumstances.

Nuestra herencia

El primer producto sanitario de la marca HARTMANN fue un apósito de algodón más absorbente desarrollado por Paul Hartmann y el profesor Victor von Bruns en 1873. Desde entonces, hemos evolucionado mucho en términos de proceso y gamas de producto, pero, como en nuestros inicios,continuamos apostando por la innovación y la mejora constante.

Desde la primera colaboración entre Hartmann y von Bruns, HARTMANN no ha dejado de trabajar con profesionales sanitarios. Queremos superar los estándares actuales a favor de la cicatrización completa siguiendo un proceso inclusivo, transparente y avanzado.

A holistic approach

The business of healthcare is changing. With growing patient needs and numbers, healthcare professionals are under increasing pressure to treat patients faster and keep costs low while managing wounds consistently and successfully.

HARTMANN Wound Care represents progress toward complete wound healing and empowers both patients and healthcare professionals. Our goals are fewer dressing changes, less pain involved in each dressing change, and a faster healing process.

To make this possible, we believe in fostering exchange and lifelong learning. HARTMANN serves as a sounding board for specialists and a support system for healthcare professionals. We are dedicated to creating a culture of shared knowledge and global networks – to learn from each other and become a strong community.

Soluciones inteligentes para pacientes y profesionales sanitarios

HARTMANN ofrece una amplia gama de apósitos tradicionales y modernos. Estos incluyen una nueva línea de apósitos recubiertos de silicona respetuosos con la piel, los apósitos superabsorbentes Zetuvit® Plus y los apósitos postoperatorios Cosmopor®. Además de productos, proporcionamos soluciones innovadoras y únicas como la plataforma de aprendizaje LINK.


LINK is dedicated to the continuous education of wound care professionals around the world.

It is HARTMANN Wound Care’s official professional development network, which exists in 93 countries across the globe. LINK aims to provide a platform for healthcare professionals to learn and exchange medical and clinical knowledge worldwide. It is based on the guiding principle that constant exchange, lifelong learning, and a strong network of professionals are integral to the best therapies in wound care:

L - LEARN: Expand your knowledge by getting the latest wound care insights, joining exclusive seminars, and more.

I - INFORM: Improve your daily work procedures by sharing best practices and exchanging knowledge with local and global experts.

N - NETWORK: Connect with experts worldwide to exchange information and discuss current and future wound management matters.

K - KNOWLEDGE: Tap into and expand the collective knowledge around wound management for the benefit of practitioners worldwide.

Our portfolio

We want to take a leading position in Europe in the field of modern wound care. To achieve this, HARTMANN is increasingly relying on silicone as a technology of the future. Already today, 30 to 40 percent of all applications in modern wound care are based on this new material. Against this background, one of our most important recent innovations was the development of Cosmopor® Silicone, the first sterile postoperative wound dressing with silicone technology, which was launched in our core markets in 2022.

Another important part of our product portfolio is the Zetuvit® Plus family of superabsorbent dressings. In an open, multicenter investigation, we wanted to find out how these dressings benefit both patients and healthcare professionals. The results were telling: in 100 percent of cases, Zetuvit® Plus achieved the primary objective, offering effective exudate management. It also resulted in a significant decrease in patients with maceration (65 percent) and led to an overall reduction in wound size. No wonder that 96 percent of patients rated their satisfaction and comfort as "excellent" or "good".

Read more about the studies and visit our country websites to find out which products are available in your region.

Diagnóstico: facilitamos la asistencia sanitaria en el entorno familiar

La asistencia sanitaria empieza en el hogar

Mediante nuestros productos de diagnóstico, queremos dar a todo el mundo la oportunidad de llevar una vida lo más saludable posible. Ya sea en el cuidado de un pariente o de uno mismo, nuestros productos aportan conocimiento y asistencia profesional en los hogares de millones de personas.

The pillars of our work

Diagnostic devices in hospitals give medical professionals important information that guides their decision-making. At HARTMANN, we’re adapting those same technologies for home use, giving individuals a convenient way of monitoring and understanding their health. Our diagnostics products follow three simple guidelines: to help, care, and protect – not only in professional environments but also at home.

Professional tools at home

Our personal diagnostic devices maintain the same quality standards as those used within the professional healthcare realm. All are recommended by professionals for home use. As well as accuracy, we focus on convenience and simplicity, enabling the whole family to take responsibility for their own health and well-being or that of their relatives.

HARTMANN en el hogar

Nuestros dispositivos de diagnóstico cumplen estándares profesionales y ayudan a supervisar el estado de salud de forma fácil y fiable desde la comodidad del hogar.

Nuestro proceso

Tenemos el objetivo de mejorar la calidad de vida de quienes usan nuestros productos y servicios de asistencia sanitaria personal. Hacemos consultas continuas a los consumidores y aplicamos sus aportaciones para desarrollar ideas y productos que se orientan específicamente a satisfacer sus necesidades. Así estamos trabajando para alcanzar nuestro objetivo primordial: mejorar las vidas de nuestros clientes.

Our smart solutions for personal healthcare

Our personal healthcare products are a welcome addition to any household, whether they’re devices used to keep an eye on existing conditions (such as blood pressure monitors connected to web applications), fever thermometers that can detect underlying illnesses, or first aid products that cater to everyday cuts, burns, abrasions, and muscle pains.

Our family managers

For many people, work doesn’t start until everyone leaves the house. Or it never ends, because those they love need their attention and care around the clock. Family managers undertake this work on a daily basis. They do so with pride, but the work can take its toll.

We met with three family managers who always put their families first and never hesitate to go the extra mile for them. Learn more about the everyday life of Regina Gall, Heinrich Trummer, and Rahman Abdullah.

Héroes cotidianos
No importa qué hagas o por qué lo hagas: en HARTMANN respaldamos a quienes cuidan de varias generaciones, aunque ello a menudo implique ponerse en último lugar. He aquí tres historias sobre sus logros: